Thursday, April 22, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend !!!

May is near and Memorial Day is creeping in. This will be second year anniversary of the start of our tree house. I'm planning a big party for family and friends. We'll have a huge BBQ ,plenty of games,fun and new memories. I'll have to go and prepare everything for a big BASH! There is only a few weekends left ,and a lot of work. My friends had great time last year and I can't disappoint them now. I will post new pictures and maybe some videos .

Friday, December 25, 2009

Tree house gets "make up"

Just before the winter snow storms I had a chance to stain our tree house.I chose a nice cedar shade to add to a rustic look that this house already had.First i tried to spray it on with little success.Old fashion pain brush did a much nicer job.I hope you like the new look too.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sauna cabin ?!?

For the past few weeks I've been working on a new addition to the Tree House. It was suposed to be an outdoor bathroom/shower but now I'm thinking to convert it to a spa/sauna cabin. It still needs some work but a lot has been done.Platform, walls and roof was done some time ago and now I'm working on the interior.One major problem is to get enough money to purchase a wood burning sauna stove.There are three major categories of sauna stoves:electric,gas(propane) and wood burning.Since wood is abundant and off grid it was the best choice.I already picked the one that i like ,but still need some $$$ to buy it. I spent some time researching sauna web sites and found many good tips and techniques of building one.I have many pictures which were taken during construction and I will add them later.Let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Tree house Birthday!!! Memorial Day 09'

Happy Birthday Tree House!!! Well it's been a year since we started building the tree house and we invited some friends to celebrate this occasion.All in all we had almost 30 friends that came and had fun.All the kids had a blast and we are planing to celebrate it next year.I will add more photos later as soon as I get OK from everyone to post them.Ares was all worn out too.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Reptiles, amphibians and other neighbors around tree house

There is plenty things to do and see when you go on expeditions from the tree house.Every frog,snake,salamander and turtle gets attention and curiosity of our children.After careful analysis of each "neighbor" they are released back to the environment without any harm.In the end we are the ones invading their domain.In these pictures you can see Northern Water Snake, Wooly Bear Caterpillar, Slimy Salamander ,Gray Tree Frog,Eastern Garter Snake, North American Millipede,baby Gray Tree Frog, baby Common Snapping Turtle, Northern Green Frog, Northern Red Salamander and another Northern Green Frog.

April 09' spring cleaning

Summer was near and we were planing a little celebration for our tree house. It would be one year since we started this project and we invited our friends to come and party with us. We finished all the spindles and we also added some planters for flowers and herbs to the handrails.We also build a little wooden bridge under the house to get easy access to tire swing.This vacation season we would have our little place to escape the city and spend some precious time with kids.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

February 09' outside

The shingles on the tree house were finally finished.I still had to work on the spindles so that the platform was safe for kids to play on.Kids also got a tire swing ....every tree house needs one. I have few other play things in mind including slide,rope bridge,zip line and fireman's pole.They all need our careful planing ,time and will power lol.I have much more pictures and one day will add them all to the sideshow.